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Hello my name is: Jacqueline Burton better known as Ms Jacque'. I am from Toledo, Ohio. I moved to Clarksville, TN in September of 2004. I have been in the school system since August 2005. I worked at Kenwood High School in the cafeteria. Then I landed a full time position at Northeast High School in the cafeteria. Then I took the Praxis Test and passed it and that is how I became a Para-Professional. I worked at Kenwood Middle School as a Teacher's Assistant for two school years. I worked at Rossview Elementary School in the Life Skills class. I am currently working at Hazelwood Elementary School. I really love working with the students and teachers. I am a SPED Resource Assistant. The students are my first priority at all times. I love what I do on a daily basis. I pray God continues to give me the strength to do whatever I need to do for all students.
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