Hazelwood Elementary School
2623 Tiny Town Road, Clarksville, TN 37042 931-553-2075 | 931-503-3403 (fax) Regular Day: 8:10 AM to 3:15 PM Half Day: 8:10 AM to 11:40 AM Early Release: 1:20 PM
My name is Kimberly A. Hansell and I currently work as an instructional assistant with the third grade students here at Hazelwood. I had an interesting childhood growing up with two sets of twins of which I am a part of, as well as two other siblings. I am originally from Front Royal, Va. Growing up in a military family, I have lived in Virginia, Tennessee, Colorado, and Texas. I have visited over 20 countries. I have been living here in Clarksville since 1997.
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