CMCSS Reopening Update August 7
August 7, 2020

Please see below for several reopening updates for all students with sections below for CMCSS K-12 Virtual and traditional-specific updates.
Updates for ALL students:
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Laptops for K-12
The Clarksville-Montgomery County School System will provide all K-12 students, both traditional and virtual, with a laptop for the 2020-21 academic year. CMCSS district leaders are committed to providing all students access to instruction no matter the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CMCSS Technology Department reallocated resources making it possible for kindergarten and first-grade students who chose the traditional model to now be assigned a device.
In the event that a school may move to the remote learning model under the Continuum of Learning, traditional kindergarten and first-grade students will now be able to access online learning platforms from their school assigned laptops.
Technology Distribution Days
Families can pick up devices during specified Technology Distribution Days, beginning on August 20. CMCSS parents and guardians will receive electronic communication, to include the Technology Usage Agreement and Protection Plan, in the coming days. These documents must be reviewed, signed, and returned electronically prior to the student receiving his/her laptop.
Technology distribution will occur at your student’s enrolled school. All traditional and CMCSS K-12 Virtual students can pick up their device on the following days:
August 20, 21, 24 from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
August 25 from 1 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Parents should have a photo ID and their child(ren)’s name(s) and grade level(s). Students who still have textbooks, library books, or a technology device that CMCSS has indicated must be returned should bring all items to the Technology Distribution Day. Laptops will not be distributed to students who have not returned necessary items.
Students who already have a district-issued laptop and have not been instructed to return the device do not need to attend the Technology Distribution Days.
CMCSS K-12 Virtual students who already have a laptop MAY still need to report to school on those days to get textbooks or other materials. More information to come.
Free and Reduced Lunch
Parents/guardians who feel their household may be eligible for free or reduced meal benefits should apply online at SchoolCafé. The online application allows for a contact-free, secure application environment. Free and reduced meals are available for eligible students choosing either traditional or CMCSS K-12 Virtual.
Even if families do not intend for their child(ren) to receive school meals, parents/guardians should complete the free/reduced meal application if they feel their household may be eligible as the information is used for other important applications.
Updates for CMCSS K-12 Virtual students only:
Adults serving as Learning Mentors for students in CMCSS K-12 Virtual are required to complete training. This pre-recorded training will be available online from Mon., Aug. 24 through Tue., Sep. 1. Learning Mentors will be able to complete this training at their convenience during that timeframe. More information will be sent directly to Learning Mentors in the coming days and weeks.
Updates for Traditional students only:
Walking Children to Class on the First Half Day
Out of an abundance of caution and due to current health and safety protocols, parents/guardians will not be permitted to walk students to their classrooms on the first half day of school.
The district especially understands that parents/guardians of kindergarten students experience a mix of emotions as their children begin school. Schools will reach out to families to provide more information about how faculty, staff, and administrators will make this transition as smooth as possible during the pandemic. Please click here for a video the district has developed to serve as an online 2020 Kindergarten Kickoff.
REMINDER: Continuum of Learning – Moving from Traditional to Remote
At any point during the academic year, CMCSS may need to switch the entire district, or individual schools, into or out of traditional (in-school) and remote (out-of-school) models based on the current conditions surrounding the pandemic. Due to the ever-changing circumstances of the pandemic, parents and guardians should make preparations throughout the year in the event that school buildings are closed and remote learning must take place.
CMCSS and the Montgomery County Health Department on a daily basis are reviewing the following metrics in Montgomery County:
- Total positive cases out of total tested
- Number of new positives out of the number of new tests
- New active cases per population (per 100,000 and per 50,000)
- Percent of COVID-19 spread in the community following the Tennessee Department of Health guidance for Low Spread, Medium Spread, and High Spread and a common scale of interpretation:
- Normal Operations: 0 positive COVID-19 cases in Montgomery County
- Low Spread: less than 0.5% positive COVID-19 active cases in Montgomery County
- Medium Spread: 0.5% to 1% positive COVID-19 active cases in Montgomery County
- High Spread: Greater than 1% positive COVID-19 active cases in Montgomery County
While all metrics will be considered throughout the academic year, if Montgomery County reaches medium COVID-19 spread in the community, CMCSS and MCHD will consider additional health and safety protocols for the traditional model or consider transitioning all students to remote learning as deemed necessary. If Montgomery County reaches high COVID-19 spread, CMCSS and MCHD will transition all students to remote learning.
Click here for the current COVID-19 local data that is reviewed by CMCSS and MCHD on a daily basis. This data is provided by the Tennessee Department of Health.