Technology Support Instructions
August 27, 2020

Every CMCSS K-12 student will have a laptop assigned for the 2020-2021 school year, which starts Monday, August 31. The following information will assist with login information and general troubleshooting. Please review the information below prior to the start of the school year.
Password Retrieval and Login Information
Information for your student’s login can be found through the link provided in your email. Each link is specific to your student. This link will expire shortly after the start of the school year, so please retain this login information in a secure spot for future reference.
Quick Cards are a scan card that includes a QR code unique to your student. These cards are only provided for Kindergarten through second-grade. This should have been taped to your student’s laptop or included in their materials during laptop pick up. If you did not receive a QuickCard you must contact your student’s enrolled school. Third grade and above should use the password retrieval process indicated above.
Required Updates
If your CMCSS K-12 Virtual School student was issued a laptop last year and kept that laptop over the summer, they will need to have updates installed prior to the first day of school. This will allow connectivity to the CMCSS network and access to required online resources. This process takes only a few minutes, but must be done while near a CMCSS school building to ensure the computer can connect to the school’s network.
For details be sure to read the instructions here:
Please visit which includes the necessary steps for these updates to be installed. We would recommend these steps be followed prior to the afternoon of Friday, August 28, so that the student can contact the CMCSS Support Network for further assistance at
Traditional Students are welcome to follow these same steps in advance of the first day of school, or wait until the first day of school when they return to the classroom.
Troubleshooting Internet Connection Issues
Please have your CMCSS K-12 Virtual student attempt to log in prior to the first day of school. If he or she can sign in successfully but cannot access the internet, a fix is available to address this issue. This process takes only a few minutes, but must be done while near a CMCSS school building to ensure the computer can connect to the school’s network. For details be sure to read the instructions here. Please visit to view the necessary steps for this update to be installed. Traditional Students are welcome to follow these same steps in advance of the first day of school, or wait until the first day of school when they return to the classroom. We would recommend these steps be followed prior to Friday afternoon, so that the student can contact the CMCSS Support Network for further assistance at
Traditional Students are welcome to follow these same steps in advance of the first day of school, or wait until the first day of school when they return to the classroom.
Continued Laptop and Hotspot Distribution
Students who have not yet received their laptop should watch from communication from their enrolled school. The district will be communicating directly to families who have not yet received their device.
Attendance Concerns Regarding Laptop Connection Issues
CMCSS K-12 Virtual students who are still experiencing known connection issues, and have a work order submitted, that limits them from accessing their computer on August 31 will not be considered absent. The Technology Department is actively working to resolve connection issues. All CMCSS K-12 Virtual families are strongly encouraged to try the troubleshooting techniques above prior to submitting a work order. Traditional students should bring their device to school on August 31 to confirm all technology concerns are addressed while in the school’s network.
Additional Laptop or Hotspot Assistance
If your student needs additional assistance with their student laptop or hotspot, please have them submit a work order at or call (931) 920-7779. Instructions on submitting a technology work order can be found at